Second post from a short stop


Of course she was here! And we took the town by storm, in the way only 2 middle aged single moms on holiday together for 15 hours can. That is, we sprawled out in the park telling stories of our misadventures in work, love, motherhood, and community. We picked up the conversation right where we left off at the ferry in Wales 5 years ago. We ate and drank and danced our way through Soho and Chinatown, mesmerized by the sparkly tights on the teenagers and curious at the abundance of bubble tea shops.


As instantly as she appeared, she was gone again at dawn – off towards a train back to her hamlet in time to pick her kids up from school. I slept gloriously, horizontally late and woke up to indulge in my favorite pastime – wandering!

Coffee and homemade crumpets savored, the skies opened and I ducked into British Museum to wander among the ancient explorers and crafts folk. Walls of travelogs from virgin artic voyages and other dubious firsts. Pots that bear a striking resemblance to my space bowls were discovered in a first century shipwreck. I was even able to touch one thanks to a knowledgeable docent.


The astrolabes and orreries gave me inspiration for my first lesson – the history of astronomy! And now for the featured attraction. Boarding a flight to India in a few minutes. Hoping to make that connecting flight to Dharamsala.

Categories: Travel Adventures | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Second post from a short stop

  1. you both look soooo happy!!!! I love your blogging with pics!!!! keep it all coming!!!! LOVE you to India and back and so does Ace who fell asleep last night staring at the map over my bed at India…it is purple on my map and his favorite color! XOOXOXOXXO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah someday you and I will be in London together. You guys look so happy and beautiful! I’m loving this blog.


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